Sunday, September 30, 2007

Our first day in Africa

Well, here I am. 
We finally arrived in Malawi after a year of planning and about 48 hours of travel. As I lay in my bed at 3:30 am, I am searching for words to describe what we've seen and heard today. I have felt like I am in a movie because I have nothing to compare this to in my mind- this doesn't seem like it could be my life. All of the things I have seen so far are so different than anything else I have experienced. 

When we first got off the plane, the first thing that struck me was the unusual smell. There is just this distinct smell about this place that I can't describe. It is really going to take some getting used to because I don't like the smell at all. It's the air, the laundry, the dishes- everything. Michael has been laughing at me because, in general, I have the least sensitive smell of anyone. Now all of a sudden, I am obsessed with it. Also, there is a constant odor of smoke in the air. People burn a lot of things, so it is always smoky. 

When we arrived, we were very fortunate to receive all of our bags and made it through customs very easily. The staff picked us up and drove us from the airport. Along the way we saw many people of all different ages walking along the highway. There were kids riding bikes, kids in matching school uniforms, people carrying huge loads on their head and backs, and women carrying babies. 

We arrived at Njewa (pronounced inn-jay-wah), which is our new home. We live in a compound that is surrounded by a brick wall with guards and three guard dogs. Our house is a brick duplex and is very nice with tile floors. The COTN office is on these grounds also. The staff each introduced themselves with a warm smile and a handshake, gave us a tour, and cooked dinner for us. And that pretty much was the first day. 

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