Friday, August 31, 2007

God is good

There are many emotions that come with the knowledge that you are leaving your home and family for an extended period of time. Much of it is rather unpleasant. But, these last few days I have experienced some of the good things, and I want to share those as well. 
As I have had a few days of rest and relaxation here in wonderful Seattle, I have had time to reflect and process all that has gone on in the last few months and years. I have been overwhelmed at the thought of how incredibly blessed I've been. Much of my early life was shaped by chaos, instability, loss, grief, and trial by fire. I have been unable to understand how God brought me through that to this privileged place of being sent by His people to go out into the world and serve His people. Often I look at all of my weaknesses and problems and pitfalls and ask God much like Moses did, "Who am I to do these things you have sent me to do?"
These last few days, God has answered me just as he did to Moses. He says, "I will be with you." And I suddenly realized that He was with me all along. He has used His people to shape my life for years to bring me to this place. As I reflect, I am utterly humbled by the wonderful people who have been placed in my life to shape me more toward His image. There have been several key people and families who have loved me, given sacrificially to me, and changed my life for the better. Never have I been more grateful. Never have I seen so clearly how God uses His people to do His work. I realize now more than ever how much I continue to need those people to love me, pray for me, and lift me up. God is good. 

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